Stay afloat – keep hydrated

Stay afloat – keep hydrated

Author: Sue Baic, BDA Work Ready Accredited Dietitian

Even mild dehydration can impact performance, productivity, safety and even enjoyment at work.

Adequate hydration at work can significantly impact on our mental and physical health and being dehydrated can cause us to experience:

  • Lethargy and Fatigue

  • Impaired motor skills

  • Reduced muscle strength

  • Reduced alertness

  • Low mood

  • Impaired cognitive function

As well as environmental factors such as PPE, heating or air conditioning, or strenuous physical activity, we can improve our hydration by taking on a range of fluids throughout the day.

When we’re always on the move or don’t always feel there is time for a break it can feel hard to make time to drink enough fluids. Try our tips for healthier hydration to feel and function well

If we’re working in a setting which requires PPE, there are additional barriers to adequate hydration. If this is the case, then try these specific strategies:

  • Drink plenty before your shift – start with 2-3 large glasses / mugs and bring a water bottle for your commute.

  • Sip a range of drinks as often as you can – if your work environment is causing you to sweat heavily consider a sports drink designed to replenish electrolytes on a break or when you finish. Low fat milk will also work

  • Top up during breaks – and go to the bathroom before going into PPE areas.