I Have No Time To Exercise, What Can I Do?

I Have No Time To Exercise, What Can I Do?

Author: Dean Suazo

As a personal trainer that has worked on the gym floor for many years, this is by far the most common excuse I hear with individuals. I know there are many people who would like to exercise, but think they don’t have the time.

Exercise means different things to different people. If you think that exercise is one hour a day, five days a week, and you are working 40-60 hours a week, with family, and trying to maintain a social life in between – then you don’t have time to do this sort of exercise.

But if you change your mindset to consider that exercise is simply a conscious attempt at moving around more than usual, then no matter how busy you are, you definitely have time to exercise.

If this is a challenge for you, concentrate on getting small workouts in throughout the day. If your job takes the majority of your time, consider taking 5-10 minute breaks and walk at moderate intensity, where you break a little sweat and are slightly out of breath. Taking these breaks are not only good for physical health, but also for mental health. You will go back to work feeling more refreshed and satisfied.

If home life consumes most of your time, consider doing squats or other forms of exercises while doing housework. If you work from home and sit on a chair all day, why not try standing up for a change! On a conference call? Why not get your steps in and go out for a walk at the same time.

These are small changes that can make a big difference in overall health and weight loss. And remember, doing something is better than doing nothing!